Under 8's match report home to Avon



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                              Brandon Clark

Lewis Holt                                              Ryan Llewis



Jacob Moore            Owen skinner            Eli Britton


                             Dan Bowden



Harry Clarke

Matthew Maggs


Match report by Jason Seeley


1st half


In a closely fought match the start saw the players of both sides sussing each other out and the game was open with both teams trying to take control.


The first chance goes our way with Eli creating the opening for Dan Bowden who strikes it well but hits the side netting. Brandon’s goal kicks are causing the opposition all sorts of problems with them landing just outside there box. Avon then hit back with a good attack well saved by Brandon. Eli is having a stormer despite a late night and on one of his runs unleashes a 20yds effort which just goes wide. Owen is delivering some pin point corners into the box but we are just not connecting with them. From a corner the ball lands at Ryan’s feet and he steps inside two players and delivers a great chip over the keeper to make it 1-0 to us. We kept pushing foward but couldn’t score another before half time 1-0.


2nd half


Lively start to the second half sees Dan Bowden have a good chance again from a long goal kick by Brandon which he forces the keeper to save . We are awarded a free kick 20yds out and a great tactical change of free-kick taker, Owen for Jacob, means Owen has the chance to produce some magic which he does with a plomb he steps up to the ball and curls it over the top and in to the far corner of the net to make it 2-0 (great decision by the manager). The Avon number eight then goes on a good run and forces Brandon to make a good stop to keep it at 2-0. We then start to showboat a bit with Jacob going on a run from the back.


M.O.M ; OWEN SKINNER For his dead ball skills and all round work rate






                                               ELLIS JONES


  RHYS GREENLAND                                                     JOSH SEELEY



  OLVIER TAYLOR                                                       CHARLIE DUNN


                                               DAN PAYNE


                                              CALLUM JONES






Match report by Dan Bowden’s dad


1st half 

Avon kick off and straight away Frys put them under pressure forcing a corner early on.  Callum bangs in the first goal after good pressure on the full back by Kaka. A fantastic one two between Callum and Kaka sees Callum thump in his second goal.A half chance falls to Avon but Ellis quickly smoothers the ball. Avon come back into the game applying pressure on our defence but we stay strong. 2-0 at half-time.


2nd half


Fry's kick off and  straight away Harry Scott goes on a run to the heart of the midfield. Avon score to test our nerves. The game turns into a midfield battle with both sides flying into tackles. Callum trys to bend one into the top corner but the Avon keeper pulls of an amazing save to deny him a hat-trick. In the last minute Callum is denied by the post and the game finishes Fry's 2-1 winners.


M.O.M RHYS GREENLAND Who was a little terrier in defence and midfield and drove the team forward with some great tackles.