Fry Club JFC Elected Committee

Chairperson Bernie Grimes
Bernie Grimes
Webmaster James Cook
James Cook
e-mail The Chairperson
e-mail The Secretary
Treasurer Mark Yeoman
Mark Yeoman

Vice Chairperson

Vice-Chair - Martin Gronow
Martin Gronow
e-mail The Treasurer

Welfare Officer

Welfare Officer - Andy Glover
Andy Glover
Registration Secretary
Registration Secretary - Karen Thornell
Karen Thornell
e-mail The Welfare Officer
e-mail The Registration Secretary

Fixture Secretary

Fixture Secretary - Katherine Law
Katherine Law


Webmaster James Cook

James Cook

e-mail The Webmaster
Girl's Football Development Officer
Girl's Football Development Officer - Mark Grinter
Mark Grinter
Young Adult Football Development Officer
Vice-Chair - Martin Gronow
Martin Gronow
e-mail Girl's Football Development Officer

Coach's Mentor

Coachs's Mentor Bernie Grimes
Bernie Grimes

Social MediaCoordinator

Social Media Coordinator - TBC
e-mail The Coach's Mentor


For where we play see the Contact us page